The work was created as a resonance of this text:
The upper parts of the Pigeon's body were greyish-black with iridescence.
Crown has a green-purple iridescence.
Mantle two rump iridescent reflecting violet, amethyst and turquoise.
Scapulars and remaining mantle glossed golden green with bronze reflections.
Wing coverts with dark turquoise green suffused with deep blue
The uppertail of the pigeon coverts are broadly tipped with golden green.
At first I thought this text was a poem. It proved to be a description of the extinct pigeon Colomba Versicolor / Bonin Wood Pigeon. The British Museum received one of the last species for its collection in 1889, the last year the pigeon was observed. The text is filed here as a description of the pigeons's interference colors.
Verket kom til som en resonans av denne teksten:
The upper parts of the Pigeon's body were greyish-black with iridescence.
Crown has a green-purple iridescence.
Mantle to rump iridescent reflecting violet, amethyst and turquoise.
Scapulars and remaining mantle glossed golden green with bronze reflections.
Wing coverts with dark turquoise green suffused with deep blue.
The uppertail of the pigeon coverts broadly tipped with golden green.
Jeg trodde først at dette var et dikt. Det viste seg å være en beskrivelse av den utdødde duen Colomba Versicolor / Bonin Wood Pigeon. British Museum fikk et av de av de siste eksemplarene hentet til sin samling i 1889, det siste året duen ble observert, og teksten er arkivert her som en beskrivelse av duens interferensfarger.